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标题: For family members of patients to medical records tampering questioned in court [打印本页]

作者: 发给飒飒大师    时间: 2014-10-3 13:28     标题: For family members of patients to medical records tampering questioned in court

Mother daughter working in the hospital 18 days later died in hospital,
Daughter suspected the existence of over-medicated hospitals, medical records and other behavior modification
Female doctor emotion: "involved medical malpractice, only to find how helpless and helpless patient!"
□ reporter Zhou Guang Li Yichuan now
Core Tip
A female doctor for medical malpractice will sue the hospital of his work on the court. May 25, pipe District People's Court hearing the case. Reporter survey found that the focus of many disputes between doctors and patients, and that is a piece of paper medical records Materials true or not. Even if the current promotion of electronic medical records tampering vulnerability still exists, users called for the establishment of third-party storage regulatory bodies.
[Event playback]
Hospital 18 days later, his mother died in the hospital of his work
"I am the mother to the hospital of his work, I did not expect this treatment of the mother died 18 days this time, I have always considered themselves victims of a mother." Interview, Ms. Chu tell tract.
Ms Chu said he was a doctor of Chinese medicine, this 82-year-old mother Zhang,hogan outlet, Department of a retired cadres. Usually the mother healthy, live independently. Last September, his mother feeling back pain and was rushed to the First People's Hospital of Zhengzhou City Cardiology treatment. At the time,chaussures louboutin pas cher, his mother was diagnosed as "angina pectoris."
"September 21 hospitalized,abercrombie & fitch outlet, September 22 hospitals for my mom to do brain CT, chest CT, abdomen CT, echocardiography, left ventricular function ultrasound, kidney ureter bladder ultrasound and a series of checks. At that time, the mother is yet to come What discomfort. But after 22 pm in the hospital transfusion, mother condition suddenly worsened. the next two days, doctors and mothers to implement the stent interventional procedures and IABP (IABP) adjuvant therapy, can not think of his mother's condition continued deterioration. "Ms. Chu recalls.
October 9, 2011, Zhang old lady eventually died of heart failure. From admission to death, only lasted 18 days. According to Ms Chu speaking, the total cost of the mother in the hospital nearly 18 million.
"As my wife and I are doctors themselves, so in the course of treatment to the mother, and I think that the presence of excessive hospital drug, illegal treatment, even if the mother's death, we still have heart." Ms Chu said.
[Helpless defenders]
Feeling unworthy mother, female doctors sued units
Ms Chu said Mr. Gao lover, mother's death, his wife into deep remorse, in tears all day,,christian louboutin soldes,, trance.
Ms Chu said that in order to safeguard their rights, her first to the First People's Hospital of Zhengzhou City Medical Affairs Section complaint matter, can the other party has been shirk. And her husband to discuss,woolrich sito ufficiale, they decided to take up legal arms rights. "But really took this path, I just felt the hardships Rights First,, we did not have any evidence, all text,air jordan 6, images and other information all in the hospital in order to obtain evidence, we Yi Tangtang to hospitals, courts run. Until the day before the hearing, we get a complete medical history. while we carefully compared and found some medical records were tampered with. "
Ms Chu said her mother was in hospital the same day, thinking very clearly, the hospital's medical examination table also shows that mothers 'conscious', available on the hospital's medical records, but the mother complained: love human health, marital harmony. "How this might ah? Fact my father had died 32 years ago, my mother in the case of normal thinking, how my father would say physical health, marital harmony?, I suspect, this was later falsified medical records. "
Meanwhile, the doctor must first under doctor's orders, then perform a clinical nurse, the mother may have shown that prescription records on September 24, the day of 17:36, the doctor doctor Jicha "hemagglutination four" while on duty nurse 16:00 would have performed this doctor. Such a situation occurs several times in a single doctor on record, "This may be caused by incomplete medical records tampering."
For family members of patients to medical records tampering questioned in court, the First People's Hospital of Zhengzhou City, the defense attorney, Ms. Fu said that this was a clerical error when medical records are minutiae, and substantive treatment of patients not directly related.
In court, Ms Chu  also questioned the hospital there is excessive medication, illegal treatment of the case. For example, she said: "According to Pharmacopoeia, isosorbide dinitrate intravenous injection, the daily dose should be 20 to 40 ml and a daily inventory records show that my mother 22 to 21 hours in 23 years. actually enter 140 mg, more than five times the normal amount. "And on this issue, Miss Fu argued that the hospital if there is excessive medication, illegal treatment of problem that requires professional medical identification.
[Sentiment] rights
Patient rights embarrassment, often on hospital records herring
Day in court, the two sides argued intense, and the focus to the last debate focused on the medical records of authenticity.
"Medical record is the only evidence we sue the hospital, after the hospital can get electronic medical records, we dispute the authenticity of this medical records! So I think there is no need to have identified by professional medical organizations." Ms Chu said.
Ms. Zhu's husband Ko told reporters that he is a doctor, and the hospital before the jobs belong to an earlier implementation of electronic medical records. He then handed reporters a copy of the material, the above record many questioned his medical records.
"Paper records can be tampered with, electronic medical records can still be tampered with. Indeed, the various offices of the hospital medical records eventually submitted to the hospital's information center server through information centers, hospitals, medical records can still be modified. Moreover, there are many hospitals The electronic medical records system did not install an electronic key. "Ms Chu emotion," although a certain amount of their medical knowledge, the various processes of the hospital is relatively familiar, but the involvement of medical malpractice,peuterey milano, only to discover how vulnerable and helpless patient! "
Subsequently, the reporter from the Zhengzhou Municipal Health Bureau personnel officer that the current hospital electronic medical record system implemented in their area, only Zhengzhou City People's Hospital, the installation of electronic keys on the electronic medical record.
Installation of electronic medical records electronic key can guarantee it will not be tampered with? Reporters consulted twenty-three EHR software vendors. "Not the installation of electronic keys even after archiving electronic medical records system can still modify; installation of an electronic key, if hospitals want to change, still easy to do if you leave space in advance, modify and even without leaving any traces.." Shanghai an electronic medical suppliers Wang said.
"Even the most advanced technology, but also people operate as long as can prevent, you can change!" Interview, School of Computer Science, Zhengzhou University, a teacher said.
[Users] appeal
Electronic medical records can be introduced third-party storage regulation, to eliminate tampering
"In a lot of doctor-patient disputes in civil court trial, we found that the focus of the case,nike tn requin pas cher, the material is a piece of paper medical records true or not, while many cases, due to the inconsistent time records, signatures and other medical personnel there, the last medical authenticity can not be judged that the case can not continue to progress. "interview, Jinshui People's Court Civil Court Vice President Zhang Weiguo said.
Tampering with records, increasingly become an obstacle to the doctor-patient relationship a scar. In this regard, the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, an expert said that in the doctor-patient information in this asymmetric environment, no more public information increases the possibility of false medical side, "From a fundamental point of view, the doctor-patient relationship should be consistent To avoid disputes, the whole process should be considered for patients medical side open. "
Electronic medical records for vulnerabilities, users 'thinker' appeal, said: "the information age, electronic medical records is the trend in the application of new technologies, to ensure that medical records are not tampered with, should introduce a third party supervision, storage mechanism, the relevant. monitor the data stored so, can greatly reduce the possibility of tampering of electronic medical records. "
Subsequently, the reporter of this proposal back to the relevant sections of the Health Bureau of Zhengzhou City,chaussure louboutin femme, the department staff said electronic medical records there is no third-party storage regulatory technical obstacles feasible.
In the present case failed to effectively prevent the medical records were tampered with,louboutin, the patient how activist it? In this regard,,woolrich outlet milano, a large sea law firm, said Tang Jun, director of the Zhengzhou Branch,, after a medical dispute,, suffering shall immediately copying medical records,abercrombie italia online, such as starting judicial proceedings,, medical records can be sealed by the judiciary, the preservation of evidence. If there is evidence of tampering with the hospital medical records,, in accordance with the "Tort Liability Act", it can be assumed that the hospital is at fault.
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